Kane County School District, in Utah, is home to over 1,200 students, spread between 10 schools. 14% of the student population have a disability. To support their mission statement of “Rigor-Relationships-Relevance, Every Student, Every Day”, the district created the Kane Education Foundation, bringing a world of opportunity and possibility to each child in their district.
About Kane:
Student population: 1,200+
Schools: 10
Location: UT
Solutions used:
After years of utilizing a self-hosted software for their Special Education data collection needs, the district knew it was time to review a better software option.
Creating their own internal solution was not going to be feasible. So, Kane County, along with some of their neighboring districts, found Embrace®. As a result, Kane:
- got an IEP program that fit their needs as a whole
- moved from a self-hosted program to a web-based software, allowing the educators more flexibility and time
- staff could easily access IEP documentation and reports from any location or device
- improved compliance by being able to track important dates and ensure that documentation would get completed appropriately.
The Problem:
“[Before] teachers had to be connected to the district server to complete any work, so the teachers were spending more time at school," clarified Chris Kupfer, Special Education & ELL Director at Kane County School District.
It was impossible to upload documents, images, and graphs to IEPs, so they needed a tool that offered that freedom of customization.

Chris Kupfer
Special Education & ELL Director
“I felt this was a company that would address not only our district individual needs, but all of our needs.”
The Goal:
Kane was looking for an easy-to-access solution that would allow teachers to cut time working on documentation, and spend it in the classroom instead.
Also, they wanted a solution that would improve Kane's compliance and give administrators and teachers ability to observe student data, track important dates, and ensure that documentation was completed appropriately.
Chris Kupfer
Special Education & ELL Director
“The Embrace® software has helped improve our procedures. It’s really impacted us in a positive way.”

The Solution:
A web-based system that allows staff to work anywhere
“Ease of access is really important to our teachers. It’s nice for them to be home with their families and access it when they have the time to complete it, wherever it’s convenient,” commented Chris.
“I’m able to monitor caseloads, goals, and complete spot-checks on teachers to make sure they’re staying within regulations and using best practices,” Chris elaborated.
Ability and convenience to upload as many documents, images, and graphs as needed to each IEP
The Embrace® software has improve staff procedures tremendously. “It’s helped our teachers be able to systematically work through the entire IEP process from MTSS activities to referrals and consent to evaluation to writing IEPs. It’s really impacted us in a positive way,” finalized Chris.
Responsive and empathetic support
“I really appreciate that if I have an issue or run into a problem,I can call and get a live person. We’ve never run into any issue that has not been able to be resolved,” expressed Chris.
A user-friendly system that provides increased accessibility and flexibility is important, but so is the constant communication betweenEmbrace® and each client district. Communication is key to providing the exceptional support Embrace® clients are accustomed to and deserve.

“I would not hesitate to recommend Embrace®!”
Ready to improve IEP documentation processes at your district?
Join Kane and 1,100+ other districts across the country and book a live demonstration of our software by filling out the form below!